"The Secrets Hidden in a Pear Tree" is available to order from dancing girl press. Or you may order from me using the form below. 27 pages. Released in May 2019.

Secrets Hidden in a Pear Tree

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Cathryn Shea

Cathryn's chapbook, "It's Raining Lullabies," is available from dancing girl press, released in November of 2017.  37 pages.

Cathryn Shea's second full-length poetry book, "Ghost Matinee," will be published by Unsolicited Press in April 2025. Cathryn's first full-length poetry book, "Genealogy Lesson for the Laity" is available to order from Unsolicited Press of Portland, Oregon (released September 2020). See more ordering links below.

CC.Marimbo, a small Berkeley CA press, released Cathryn Shea's first chapbook, Snap Bean in 2014. In the tradition of handmade chapbooks, Snap Bean is 36 pages, hand sewn and produced in small batches. SOLD OUT

Cathryn's micro-poetry micro chapbook, "My Heart is a Salt Mirror Like Salar de Uyuni" is available from Rinky Dink Press
(ASU, Phoenix) -- Series Four -- February 2018.

Cathryn's poetry chapbook, "Backpack Full of Leaves" is available on Amazon and also with the publisher, Cyberwit.net. Order your copy through Amazon here. Ships with Amazon Prime. 49 pages. Released in March 2019.

What people have said about Cathryn's poems and collections:

"Focused chiefly on the domestic life, with all its “important confusion,” but also ranging into the transpersonal, Shea holds a particular regard for subjects that have vanished or are on the verge of vanishing, and does her best to rescue them with her appealingly quirky style, sometimes comic, sometimes melancholy, and always vested with affection." -- Thomas Centolella, Almost Human (Tupelo Press, winner of the Dorset Prize),Terra Firma, Lights & Mysteries, and Views from along the Middle Way  (Copper Canyon)

"Cathryn Shea's poetry is woven with sound. Shea writes about the convolutions and satieties of marriage and the experience of the everyday, the delights and the disappointments, while leaving the reader room to reflect and to discover. In this book she has made a tapestry, never missing a beat or skipping a stitch." -- Joseph Zaccardi, former Poet Laureate of Marin County CA, author of A Wolf Stands Alone in Water (CW Books).

The humor and tears of Cathryn Shea weave together outdoor living, personal illness, domestic folly, and the struggles of a tribe literally on the top of the world. At times magical, always healing, a courageous book of poems. -- César Love, While Bees Sleep (CC.Marimbo)

"Some of the killer lines -- 'acute recklessness of graffiti,' 'unknowable cleanliness' 'fish sprout bulbous nodules,' etc. The domestic becomes astral in her poems. What a treasure of a book." -- Ann Robinson, author of Stone Window (Bark for Me Publications)

"Just wanted to say how much I'm enjoying Snap Bean. I love the curiosity shop of your mind -- and how I'm learning so many tidbits -- particularly thinking of 'merkin' and the Dr. Strangelove character, things I'd never have found by myself." -- Roy Mash, author of Buyer's Remorse (Wordtech Communications)