Cathryn Shea's poetry recent and forthcoming:
- Thin Places & Sacred Spaces Anthology (Amethyst Review), July 2024, "Display of Phalaenopsis Orchids"
- Gargoyle Magazine, May 2024, "Beyond the Milky Way," "Nepenthe," and "They Say the Mystery of Antarctica’s Sea Ice Has Been Solved"
- ONE ART, February 16, 2024, "Anniversary Memento"
- Chronogram Magazine, June 2023, "Quarry"
- Plum Tree Tavern, May 17, 2023, "Mannequins Yearning for Eye Contact"
- Arboreal Literary Magazine, May 15, 2023, "Please Give Me Your Ars"
- Constellations: A Journal of Poetry and Fiction, Fall 2023, "An American Vernacular"
- San Antonio Review, April 2023, "Cure Redux," "When Wind Turbine Blades Expire," "Love Story of Pears," "The Shades Pulled Up and Down"
- The Bezine, Spring 2022, in the Ukraine Peace section, "Equipoise," "Dependable," and "A [New] Context"
- Gargoyle, Spring/Summer 2022, "Every Bit Mine" and "Biscotti with the Taj Mahal"
- Assisi: An Online Journal of Arts & Letters, Summer 2021, "Blessed Be the Calving" and "Mutual Denominator"
- Redheaded Stepchild, Summer 2021, "Dimpled"
- Rise Up Review, Fall 2020 (Election Day issue), "To-do List During a Pandemic Ignored Because of Protests"
- The UCity Review, #22 June 2021, "Dorothea Lynde Dix Has a Puzzling Nightmare About Greenhouse Gases" and "Marie Catherine Laveau Buys a Used Ouija Board"
- Literary Hatchet, #27 November 2020, "Clara Barton to Audubon Society" and "Watersheds"
- Rat's Ass Review, Winter 2020, "I'm Not Really Watching Any News"
- Gyroscope Review, Fall 2020 - Crone Power Special Issue - "The Academia I Never Had"
- The Daily Drunk, Nov. 11, 2020 - "Family Albums"
- ONE ART Poetry Journal, August 5, 2020, "Missive to Nancy"
- Blue Mountain Review, Summer 2021, "Novel Aloofness" page 192
- The Schuylkill Valley Journal, Summer/Fall 2020 print issue, "When I Swim Alone at Night at the Motel" and "Pop Art Supermarket"
- The Aurorean, Summer/Fall 2020 (last issue), "The Social Life of California Poppies"
- Dappled Things, 2020, "Mass with Julia Greeley: A Revival" (Best of the Net nomination)
- Eastern Iowa Review, Issue 10, 2020, "In the Wake of My Sister"
- Chronogram, Hudson Valley Arts, Culture, Spirit, January 2020, "The Slick Slope"
- The Alembic, Spring 2019, "Remnants of Star Death," "Shawls of the Color Wheel," "Thought Safe," "To Kepler Telescope," "Visa Balaji Temple" (Print issue, but you can download the PDF)
- Rise Up Review, Spring 2019, "National Geographic Special"
- The New Verse News, December 10, 2019, "To My Grandsons in the Future"
- Defuncted, December 18, 2018, "It's Raining Lullabies" republished from Absinthe
- Main Street Rag, Spring 2019, "Where Stars Go Dim"
- Typehouse, January 2019, "The Undercover Activity of Poplars"
- After the Pause (a...p), Winter 2018 issue, "The Fabrication of Dobros" page 29.
- Gargoyle, #70/71 - Spring or Summer 2019, "Her Mother Obtained Visas"
- UCity Review, June 2019, “Advent People,” “Anniversary,” “Auden Lines,” “On ‘The Conjugation of the Paramecium’,” and “Bone Density”
- Bitchin' Kitsch, Winter 2018/19, "Evolution of a Diet"
- The Ghazal Page, number 83 December '18, "Trouble with Paper" and "Oakland"
- Foliate Oak, November 2018, "A Boy's Name," "Fiddle"
- Amaryllis, Thursday, 22 November 2018, "Riven"
- New Orleans Review web feature, Dec. 2018, "Letter of Appreciation"
- Ghost City Review, March 2018, "Drano Didn't Work"
- Contemporary Haibun Online, October 2018, "An Ear Full in the Waiting Room"
- Eastern Iowa Review, Issue 6 - Spring 2018, "Escape to Canada" and "Sometimes a Shadow"
- The Literary Hatchet, #21 Fall 2018 print issue, "Hail Mary," "Millville"
- Cacti Fur, July 11, 2018, "Epiphanies"
- ISACOUSTIC*, July 11, 2018, "Surrounded at Pyramid Lake"
- Quail Bell Magazine, July 2018, "Bollywood in Oakland," "Residuum of Physicalism," "The Fallacy of the Fact of Fat"
- Red Eft Review, "Watches," August 2018
- Riggwelter - A Journal of Poetry, Issue 13, September 2018, "1.9 Cars Per Every 1.8 People"
- Star 82 Review (*82), Issue 6.1, March 2018, "Get Down Off There"
- Typishly, August 2018, "A Man Stops by to Pay His Rent"
- The Drabble, February 6, 2018, "What Attaches to Me Today"
- Five:2:One #thesideshow, 4 Poems by Cathryn Shea | Micro-Poetry | "Here’s My Backpack Full of Leaves," "The Remote," "An Angel Spoke Unto Me," "The Wealth of Death in Mountains"
Cathryn Shea's poetry cont'd:
- Absinthe Poetry Review (closed), Issue Three 2015, "It's Raining Lullabies"
- After the Pause, Spring 2016, "The Double Life;" Winter 2016, "The Ides of June"
- Allegro Poetry Quarterly Review, Issue 7: November 2015, "Green Skirts;" Issue 11: December 2016, "Vegas" in travel theme issue; December 2017 "Notice to Cancel Ski Trips" (scroll down)
- American Dissident, Number 10 Summer/Fall 2010, "Deadly Mutations Hit Your World"
- Anti-Heroin Chic, January 20, 2017: #TrumpInauguration, three poems
- Atlanta Review, International Poetry Competition Merit Award 2013
- Beechwood Review, BR2 Spring 2016, "Trickle Down Theory," "Toilet Seat Request;" BR3 Fall 2016, "Everyday War" (available on Amazon)
- Blue Fifth Review, October 2008 and March 2010, "Green Interment," "Some Ectomy"
- Bitchin' Kitsch, November 2015, "The Neighbors Act Funny"
- (b)OINK, issue three 03-01-2017, "The Insect Effect and My Alma Mater"
- Boston Literary Magazine, Winter 2015, "Warden Said"
- Bridport Prize, shortlisted 2015, "Romance in Triggering Town"
- burntdistrict, Spring 2017, "Early Advice to Kindergartners," "Love Bit," and "The Postponed Grief"
- Cheat River Review, Issue Eight, Spring 2017, postcard poems: "The Golden Age of Grammar," "Advice About Lightning for the People of Aleppo," and "Rabbit Food Megrims"
- Corvus Review, December 2017, "Enos Is Not the Family Name"
- The New English Verse 2017 anthology edited by Suzie Palmer, poem "Cause"
- Dead Snakes, December 2015, "Cause," and "Collapsible Apologia for Bad Forecasts"
- Eunoia Review, December 2015, "Tokyo Via Palm Springs," December 2016, "A Price Favorable to the Buyer"
- Flint Hills Review, Issue Thirteen 2008, "Disposal"
- Fourth & Sycamore, Feb. 25, 2016, "Getting Fitted with New Words"
- Gargoyle, #54 2009 "Under M"; #65 2016 40th-anniversary issue,"The Lake Doesn't Know;" #67 2018,"A Marriage Next Door"
- Gravel, November 2015, "Bird Meme at Dawn"
- The GHAZAL PAGE, December 2007, "The Truth About Silk Wraps" and "No More Teeth Like Pearls"
- High Sierra Topix, June 13, 2015 post, "Mountaineering Outfitter"
- Hudson View Poetry Digest, Vol. 5, Spring 2010, "Always Plenty"
- Ink in Thirds, Issue 7, November 2016, "There are Two Ripenings"
- Into The Void Magazine, Poetry Competition runner-up, Luminous Echoes: A Poetry Anthology
edited by Heath Brougher (2016/17), "Editing What the Doctors Keep Saying"
- Lines + Stars, Winter 2017, "Genealogy Lesson for the Laity" - nominated for Best of the Net, Sundress Publications
- The Magnolia Review, January 2016, "To My Ocular Migraine" (page 35)
- Melancholy Hyperbole, March 20, 2016, "When a Bargain Is No Deal" and "A Hurricane Named Desire"
- Main Street Rag, Vol 21 Number 1, Winter 2016, "Young Man on 19th Avenue Median"
- MARGIE, Marjorie J. Wilson Poetry Prize (judged by Charles Simic) 2004, "The Links," "Crop Duster Decapitations"
- Marin Poetry Center Anthology, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2013, 2015, 2017
- Modern Poetry Quarterly Review (MPQR), Issue 4 – Fall 2015, "All Comets Welcome"
- Oddball Magazine, June 2016, "Legs of the 90s Are Just a Squeeze Away"
- Open to Interpretation: Intimate Landscape, jurried photography and writing competition 2012, "Months of Sundays Laundry"
- Passages North Elinor Benedict Poetry Prize, shortlisted 2015, "The Infidelity of Weather"
- Permafrost, Summer 2015 (online), "Procreation or Not;" Spring 2017 (print), "Spontaneous Detachment"
- Picaroon Poetry, "Aspirin and Guns," Issue #4, 2016
- Pidgeonholes, Aught/Naught issue Spring 2016, "Benadryl Destroyed My Brain"
- POEM, Number 99, May 2008, "Dog Poem"
- Poet Lore, Vol. 103, Fall/Winter 2008, "Eyeglasses"
- Quercus Review, Number Nine 2009, "Call of the Wild," "Adam's Tag"
- Quiddity, Fall/Winter 2009-10, "Good Enough"
- Rat's Ass Review, Spring/Summer 2016, "Still Life with Father in Recliner;" Spring/Summer 2017, "Bad Bygone Deal"
- Rust + Moth, Spring 2016, "The Kid on Holiday;" Winter 2016, "The Secrets Hidden in a Pear Tree"
- Schuylkill Valley Journal, Vol. 27, Fall 2008, "Christmas Robe"
- Sierra Nevada Review Vol. 19 2008, "Armoire"
- Sonic Boom, Issue 3: Summer 2015, "Petty Transgressions"
- Soundings East, Vol. 30 Spring/Summer 2008, "Armoire"
- Tar River Poetry, Winter 2017, "Today's Advisory"
- Tinderbox Poetry Journal, Vol. 3 Issue 5 2016, "Infidelity;" Poetry Contest, semi-finalist 2015
- Tipton Poetry Journal, #29 Winter 2016, "Glimmer"
- Unbroken Journal, March/April 2016, "Mea Maxima Culpa," "Stuck Up Ticker Tape"
- Unlost Journal, Sept. 3, 2017, "Loaded"
- West Marin Review, Volume 7 2016, "The Chill of Grace"
- West Trestle Review, poem of the week April 20, 2016, "With My Bathrobe and Bottlebrush" (scroll)
- Yellow Chair Review, Issue 5, Nov. 2015, "Mad As It Is, It Is Adam"
- Zetetic: A Record of Unusual Inquiry, May 2016, "Waterways of the Tsars Economy Tour;" July 2016, "Ogallala the Great Aquifer Speaks"